1. Which of the following are more likely when you’re over 65?
1.1 Stroke
1.2 Heart attack
1.3 Cancer
1.4 Dementia
1.5 Osteoporosis
2. Which of the following are likely to make us look older?
2.1 Smoking
2.2 Lengthy unprotected exposure to the sun
2.3 Heavy alcohol consumption
2.4 A fatty diet
3. Which of the following are likely to help keep us looking younger?
3.1 Drinking plenty of water
3.2 Eating fruit
3.3 Eating fish
3.4 Sweating after regular exercise
4. A healthy 70 year old will have fewer cells in their heart, a reduced breathing capacity and less lean muscle mass than a 20 year old.
True or False?
5. Which of the following are believed to reduce the risk of dementia?
5.1 Exercise
5.2 Education
5.3 A Healthy Diet
5.4 Not smoking or drinking too much alcohol
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Published 10/06/2012, Review date June 2015